Friday, September 3, 2010

An Ode To Fall

Greetings and salutations, and a very Happy Friday-Before-A-Holiday-Weekend, my most excellent Beatdowner Blog readers!

And yes, here we are, already at Labor Day Weekend, the unofficial end to Summer…and the kick-off of my favorite season, Fall!

I’m not exactly sure when it started, or how…but Fall is the bee’s knees to yours truly…


The Purple Patio at Mother’s Federal Hill Grille.

The Fell’s Point Festival.

Switching from light beer over to the heavier brews from Flying Dog, Troeg’s, Clipper City, Sam Adam’s, etc.

Fall foliage (leaves turning their browns, reds, yellows, oranges, etc).


Cool(er) weather.

Cloudier and grayer skies (probably just my imagination, but it always seems like there are grayer days in the Fall).

Hay mazes and pumpkin patches.



The smells of Fall that permeate the air…to me, it smells “cleaner”, for lack of a better word.

Yankee Candle Company’s “Harvest” and “Pumpkin Spice” candles.

Not having plans seemingly every week.

Homemade stew.

The greatest vegetarian chili in the world.

Pumpkin bread.

The fact that (to me, at least) gatherings of friends and family seem to last a little longer…probably in part due to the NOT having multiple places to be in a given weekend or day.

Certain watering holes become a little more visited…Brian Boru. O’Lordan’s (at least when I worked in Westminster – miss that place and those folks a ton). The Horse You Came In On. Billy V’s. Iron Bridge. The aforementioned Mother’s Federal Hill Grille. MaGerks Pub & Grill, The Reserve, Mad River, The Abbey Burger Bistro, and so many more in Federal Hill. McGarvey’s Saloon in Annapolis. Ram's Head Tavern in Savage Mill. The Judge's Bench, Rumor Mill, and the Ellicott Mills Brewing Company in Old Ellicott City. The atmosphere of these joints SCREAMS Fall…well, at least to me.

The Renaissance Festival.

Ah yes, it’s an awesome season!

So goodbye Summer of 2010…thanks for the memories. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out…and please, take your annoying friends heat and humidity with you…and don’t sneak back in for one more round…I’ve had my fill.

And welcome back, Fall – I look forward to the next several months with you, and intend to make the most of them.

That’s all I got at the moment. Here’s to you and yours having a great Holiday weekend…I’ll be sure to raise a pint of Flying Dog’s Dogtoberfest to you, and to Fall, this evening.

Until next time…

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